What are the Natural home remedies that are helpful for sickness?
Body aches, fever, chills, and stuffy nose can make you feel miserable. Home remedies can’t cure cold or flu, but they can help relieve symptoms like body aches, fever, chills, and stuffy nose while you recover. Most people are eagerly searching to know What are the Natural home remedies that are helpful for sickness? In this article, you get detailed information on What are the Natural home remedies that are helpful for sickness?
What are the Natural home remedies that are helpful for sickness?
However, if your symptoms don’t improve or you have severe symptoms like difficulty breathing, palpitations, or fainting, it’s best to see a doctor.
1. Chicken Soup
While there’s no scientific evidence that chicken soup can cure or speed up recovery from a cold or flu, its ingredients contain nutrients that support your immune system. It’s also a calming food that helps keep you hydrated and feel better overall. There’s proof that nutrients in chicken soup may lower the movement of neutrophils in our body.
Neutrophils are a type of white blood cell that help defend your body against infections. Moving slowly allows you to focus on the parts of your body that need it most, which can contribute to healing.
Try this chicken soup recipe, which calls for chicken, carrots, celery, and onions. Alternatively, you can use bone broth, which is also good for your health. If you use canned soup, choose a low-sodium version.
2. Ginger
Ginger has antioxidant, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory properties. It can soothe muscle pain and ease nausea, among other things. Make a tea by slicing a few slices of fresh ginger root and simmering it in boiling water. In addition to hydration, honey soothes muscle pain and sore throats and reduces nausea.
3. Honey
Honey has many antibacterial and antimicrobial properties. Adding honey to tea with lemon can help soothe a sore throat. Studies have shown that it may also act as a cough suppressant.
Honey should never be given to children under 12 months of age as it may contain botulism bacteria. They are usually harmless to older children and adults, but infants’ immune systems are not able to fight them off. Should You Try Raw Honey?
4. Garlic
Garlic contains the compound allicin, which has antibacterial and possibly antiviral properties. Adding garlic to your diet can reduce the severity of cold symptoms. According to some studies, it may even help you avoid getting sick in the first place.
More research is needed on garlic’s potential cold-prevention benefits, but adding more garlic to your diet probably won’t hurt. Can you eat garlic raw?
5. Echinacea
Americans used the herb and root of the echinacea plant for preparation of medicines. Its ingredients include flavonoids, chemicals which have many therapeutic effects on the body. For example, flavonoids boost the immune system and reduce inflammation. There’s evidence that echinacea can prevent colds, but it’s unlikely to shorten the duration of a cold. A 2020 study suggests that taking echinacea may help treat cold symptoms in children.
6. Vitamin C
Vitamin C is an antioxidant that plays many important roles in the body, including supporting the immune system.
Good food sources of vitamin C include:
- Citrus fruits
- Red peppers
- Green leafy vegetables such as broccoli
- Adding fresh lemon juice to hot tea with honey can help reduce mucus when you’re sick.
- Drinking Cold and hot lemonade will also help.
While vitamin C in the diet or as a supplement is unlikely to prevent colds, there is some evidence to suggest that vitamin C may ease symptoms and slightly shorten the duration of a cold.
7. Probiotics
They help keep your gut and immune system healthy, reducing the risk of developing upper respiratory tract infections and the duration of infections. However, more research is needed.
Probiotic yogurt boosts the immune system and provides protein and calcium.
8. Gargle with Salt Water
Gargling with salt water will help to prevent upper respiratory tract infections. It can also help relieve cold symptoms, such as soothing a sore throat and stuffy nose.
9. Saline Nasal Shower
Using a saline spray or nasal rinse can help ease congestion during a cold and relieve some of the symptoms of upper respiratory tract infections.
However, be sure to use only distilled, sterile, or pre-boiled and cooled water, and rinse thoroughly between uses. Otherwise, microorganisms may enter and cause a serious infection.
10. Topical Ointments
Ointments containing camphor, eucalyptus oil, and menthol, such as VapoRub, can help relieve nighttime coughs. Using one or two cotton swabs before bedtime can help open the airways and relieve:
- Constipation
- Sleeping
- Cough
It can be used three times within a 24-hours VapoRub is not good for children under 2 years. Consult a doctor before using to them
11. Essential Oils
Some essential oils can help relieve symptoms of colds, flu, and other respiratory illnesses. This is due to their antimicrobial, analgesic, or anti-inflammatory properties.
Examples: Eucalyptus, Peppermint, Incense, Thyme, Tea tree
Use a diffuser or add a few drops of essential oils to a warm bath.