How to maintain a sense of mind control?
So you want to take control of your mind. Maybe you want to stop thinking about a recent breakup or feel disheartened by a year of physical distance and have a more hopeful perspective. Most people are eagerly searching to know How to maintain a sense of mind control. In this article, you get detailed information on How to maintain a sense of mind control?
How to maintain a sense of mind control?
Unwanted thoughts can cause a lot of frustration and distress. We are not alone in needing to get rid. It’s normal to find it hard to convince yourself to look up when you’re feeling down in the face of stress or other challenges. Actual mind control belongs to the realm of science fiction, but you can work to change the way you think.
It may take some effort to learn the tricks to regaining control, but these 10 strategies can help:
Identify the thoughts you want to change. You need to understand what’s going on in your mind before you can start to control it. Most people experience discouraging thoughts and emotional setbacks from time to time.
Other problematic thought patterns include:
- Rumination or repetitive thoughts
- Negative self-talk
- Cognitive biases and thinking errors that can affect your decisions and interactions
- Deeply rooted pessimistic attitudes
- Recognizing certain thoughts and patterns can help you make the most of the tips below.
- Embrace unwanted thoughts
- It’s human nature to avoid pain, so it’s natural to want to avoid thoughts that cause you distress.
But pushing away unwanted thoughts is not the way to gain control. This usually only makes them more intense.
Instead, try the opposite: embrace and accept these thoughts. Let’s say you’re feeling a bit down because nothing in your life is going according to plan, despite your hard work.
Acceptance might mean telling yourself: “There’s only so much I can do to change the situation, but giving up completely isn’t the solution either.”
Maybe you keep thinking about the affair where he ignored you. Accepting these nagging thoughts can help you realize that you did want the relationship to last.
Her disappearance left you with unanswered questions and an overwhelming feeling of worthlessness. You worry that the date went wrong and you’re scared to try again.
Acknowledging these fears allows you to face them and remind yourself that you’re not responsible for their bad behavior.
Keeping an objective view of the situation can help you deal with your anxiety that it will happen again, instead of letting your fears stop you from finding someone new.
Try meditation.
A great way to develop the habit of accepting unwanted thoughts? Meditation.
Especially in the beginning, it may not seem like meditation actually helps you control your mind.
You sit down and relax, but no matter how hard you try to clear your mind, random thoughts just keep popping up, distracting you from the calm you’re trying to achieve.
Here’s what you need to know about meditation: Meditation can be very helpful in changing your brain, but it needs to be consistent. Mindfulness meditation in particular can help you to be more focused as things come your way. When you become more mindful, you find that you don’t need to constantly divert your attention from intrusive or distracting thoughts.
In addition to improving your conscious control, meditation has other benefits too: it can reduce the intensity of negative emotions and stress, increase resilience and compassion, and even slow down age-related cognitive decline.
Change your perspective
If talking to yourself in the first person doesn’t have much effect, try switching to a third-person perspective. For example:
It might feel a little odd, but this cognitive reappraisal strategy has several important benefits.
First, repositioning yourself as an outside observer helps create space for intense thoughts and feelings. Step back from thoughts that only cause stress.
Looking at a situation from this new, objective perspective often helps you see the bigger picture, not just the most immediate impact.
Next, making the conscious decision to see the situation from a third-person perspective can help you stop your spinning thoughts and productively explore your emotions.
As you ruminate on a specific experience that affected you, replace questions like, “Why do I feel this way?” or “What affected me so deeply?” with third-person questions.
By shifting your perspective, you can trick your mind into seeing yourself as a different person and distance yourself from your own difficulties.
This also has benefits when cheering yourself on, since people are more likely to accept external support than internal encouragement.
Focus on the positive
Positive revising is another reconsidering policy that can help you regain the control of our thoughts.
Positive thinking doesn’t mean pretending nothing is wrong, ignoring problems, or not thinking of solutions that might help.
Rather, it’s about changing your negative thoughts to be more positive – looking on the bright side and finding the silver lining in the storm clouds in the sky.
Imagine you’re training for a race and slip on wet leaves and fall off your bike. You’re fine, but you’ve broken your ankle. This can put you out of action for a few weeks, and you can feel disappointed and angry at yourself for driving so carelessly.
Blaming yourself can only make you feel worse. But self-compassion can help you get through the disappointment and focus on the next time.
Maybe you praise yourself for always wearing your helmet, tell yourself that you’ll be better prepared for next year’s race, or be grateful that you didn’t break anything.
Start with this simple exercise
Get into a comfortable position, preferably sitting, and close your eyes. Take a few slow, deep breaths. You should continue to breathe in the same way you would if you were creating a visual scene. Create a relaxing scene in your mind with plenty of sensory details. Think of what brings you peace, whether that’s the lakeside of your childhood home, a secluded path in your favorite park, or a lush, crisp fall day. Imagine walking around the scene you’ve created, paying close attention to your surroundings and observing every detail. Continue to breathe slowly and relax into the landscape of tranquility. Enjoy the images for 10-15 minutes. End the exercise by taking a few deep breaths and opening your eyes.